Monday, April 19, 2010

Diigo bookmarks for today 04/20/2010

  • Tags: astronomy, telescope, science, education, web 2.0, tools, learning

  • This is fascinating.

    Ms. Davis, I found your website not too long ago and wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your blog. Loved the posts about your "Daily Spotlight on Education." You make an a lot of important information easy to follow and it definitely seems like you got a great thing going for you. Keep up your great work and best of luck to you in the future. My name is Jeffrey and I'm with ASPEX, a leading producer of Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) and Microanalysis software. Our company recently kicked off a "Send Us Your Sample" campaign, which allows anyone to mail us an object of their choosing and have it scanned for free under one of our powerful desktop SEMs. Since your blog primarily deals with education, this would be a great opportunity for some of your educators to get some samples done for their class. People can send us a broken iPhone, an old toothbrush, or even a dead insect...anything they want to see a picture of under a powerful microscope. It's pretty cool. Once we receive the samples, we'll notify senders of their results via email. You can view other reports we've done here: Since we started this campaign, we've seen a lot of interest from professionals, educators and students all around the globe. Given the focus of your website, I wanted to contact you about posting the information about "Send Us Your Sample" on your blog. We have recently posted a YouTube video that shows how we go about sampling and how to demo our SEM. We would love to partner with you to spread the word about this offer in a blog post so more people get the unique opportunity to have something scanned by an SEM. We also have our "Name That Sample" Campaign in which we put up a sample and the person who guesses correctly, or closest, wins a Brand New Netbook! Just another way of interactivity within your blog. Encourage your readers to Name That Sample! We can talk about details if you're interested. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Tags: science, education, edu_news

  • Tags: technology, strategies, integration, education, teachers

  • Specific writing strategies can play an important role in boosting reading comprehension. That's the bottom-line finding of a new analysis of research.

    The report, out today from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, says that teachers can improve students' reading skills by having them write about what they are reading, teaching them writing skills, and increasing how much they write.

    Tags: writing, reading, education, improve, bestpractices

  • Tags: poster, education, resources, technology, tools, posters, poster-street

  • Tags: Harry Grzelewski, principal, Looking Ahead, 21st century learning, change, education, administrator, all_teachers, bestpractices, edu_trends, technology

  • From my email today:

    "Turning Technologies, a leader in the student response industry, is sponsoring a webinar, “Simple Strategies That Provide Big Improvement,” that will take place on 4/30 at 2pm ET. It is part of the eSchool News free webinar series. During this workshop, participants will learn how to promote team-based, short-term thought and action, effectively use data to progress monitor student gains, produce immediate and frequent wins, and tools that can help you increase student achievement."

    Tags: education, learning, edu_news

Posted from Diigo. The rest of educators group favorite links are here.

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