Friday, June 26, 2009

NECC '09

I leave tonight for what is one of the year's highlights, NECC. This year it will be in Washington DC.

My wonderful wife will not be with me this year, but will be next year in Denver for NECC '10.

Every year I learn more than I thought possible at NECC, not just from sessions, but from others. The sharing done in informal sessions is great, we meet people in our PLN that have been names attached to 140 character plurks or twitters. The big kick-off is edubloggercon on Saturday.

I hope to do a fair amount of blogging over the next few days, keeping myself and others aware of what is going on. There will be some Diigo links, but more blogging than normal. By the way, at the SIGTC forum on Sunday, I will be doing a mini session on Diigo. Also I will be on a panel on Monday about Tech leaders.

So follow this space, contact me, or see you at NECC

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