Thursday, May 21, 2009

Diigo bookmarks for today 05/22/2009

  • This principal gives valuable ideas about the pros and cons of homework. Will go and check up on the research about it....

    Tags: homework, education, teaching, school2.0

  • As an online student, there are plenty of free educational video games at your fingertips, with material targeted to every age

    Tags: education, games, list, students, teachers, reference, fun, play, learning, game, all_teachers

  • Let's face it, a school where text books, classroom book collections, and the "term paper" as the only means of student communication don't need much of a library. A small popular book collection and a word-processing lab with access to Google may actually be all that such a school needs. If the librarian and technology staff are viewed as not having knowledge that is sufficiently relevant to implementing and teaching IL/IT skills, the book room can be staffed by clerks and the techs can keep the e-mail server and student information system up and running from a small hidden office until those applications are outsourced.

    At the same time, if a school truly decides they want all their students to graduate having mastered a sophisticated set of IL/IT skills, having learned how to solve real problems creatively, and having experienced the power of global communications and collaboration, then a lack of resources - physical plant, equipment and human expertise will truly undercut this effort. Such an undertaking will require 1:1 laptop programs, well-stocked print collections, productivity labs, a fast and powerful network, good online materials, and, of course, a crackerjack professional staff to support both staff and students. 

    Tags: libraries, library, education, vision, learning, communication, resources, collaboration

Posted from Diigo. The rest of educators group favorite links are here.

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