a free and open leaning community for sharing newer and emerging tools to teach science
15 Interesting Ways to use Wallwisher in the Classroom
Presentation covering 16 cool ways to use Wallwisher in the classroom.
50 Brain Facts Every Educator Should Know | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Education Week's Digital Directions: Digital Tools Expand Options for Personalized Learning
Western States Black Research and Educational Center
The Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum (MCLM) maintains the largest and most academically substantial, independently held collection of rare and out-of-print books, documents, films, music, photographs and memorabilia on African American history and culture in the United States. MCLM's primary goal is to make the collection available to the public as a cultural compass to a more complete view of American history.
Where are the savings in using GoogleApps? - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
Doug Johnson estimates the savings moving to Google apps, Great post for those considering this.
Doug says:
"These are rough and admittedly optimistic estimates, but I think you can see the general trend. Even if only 50% of my estimated nearly $2M in savings is realized, that averages out to close to $200,000 per year. (Out of a $1.2M budget.) I am not suggesting reducing tech budgets by this amount, but I can sure think of a lot more interesting things (like kids' computers, a more robust wireless network, and more bandwidth) to spend tech dollars on.
Yes, I need to pay $7 a year per administrative, possibily teacher, e-mail account for archiving and retrieval. Not bad, though, considering."TLC = Tech + Library + Classroom: Wallwisher
Great overview from Tara about how she uses wallwisher. I haven't played with this new, cool tool but will. She says:
"One of my favorite new tools that I shared with the group was Wallwisher. It's the whole 'get a sticky note, write your thoughts and stick it to the chart paper' activity but online. Brilliant! It's free, and I can keep the information archived each time I build a new wall. "Computer science teachers planning this summer should look at this overview from Microsoft uber-blogger Alfred Thompson.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of educators group favorite links are here.
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