Whats the dumbest thing a teacher has ever said to you? : AskReddit
If there's a need of bad teacher examples, here are some.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of educators group favorite links are here.
Whats the dumbest thing a teacher has ever said to you? : AskReddit
If there's a need of bad teacher examples, here are some.
Flocabulary - Hip-Hop in the Classroom
Tags: vocabulary, music, education, hip-hop, english, learning, flocabulary, curriculum, history, math
Great links for special education
Tags: mit, opencourseware, special, learning, education, all_teachers, administrator, professionaldevelopment
Tags: apa, citation, research, reference, writing, format, postgraduate, higher, education, bestpractices, edu_trends, professionaldevelopment
100 Video Sites Every Educator Should Bookmark | AccreditedOnlineColleges.org
Online scholarship websites are designed to assist you in providing different scholarships. You will easily find these websites for which you need to submit your full details in order to complete the procedure.
Tags: online degrees, degree, scholarships, onlineeducation, distance, education
e-learning 2.0 - how Web technologies are shaping education
E- Learning is new way of Education!
Learning Tools - Classroom Technology
Tags: tools, learning, technology, classroom, education, web2.0, prezi, resources
"Play" any website with this music synthesiser. It takes content of a page and sets it to music
Exploratory and Collaborative Learning with Diigo
Tags: reading, teachers, educators, technology in the classroom, teacher, educational tool, sharing, group, web-based activities internet collaboration communication Diigo, social, bookmarking
Engrade – Keeping Parents Informed and Involved II
Tags: free teacher resources, teachers, educators, teacher, educational tool, classroom, technology, websites, classrooms, online, parents, SchoolRack, home, communication, Engrade
Tags: digitalcitizenship, technology, citizenship, digital citizenship, digital, internet_safety, education, resources, Learning, web2.0, teaching
A Big Deal - E-newsletter for Educators
Tags: educators, 21st century skills, educational technology, classrooms, resources, free resources
Connecting Classrooms- School and Educational Network
Tags: educators, 21st century skills, technology, collaboration, classrooms, online, network, school, educational
10 Outstanding Sites for Downloading Lesson Plans
Tags: printable worksheets, math tools, educators, free interactive, teacher, educational tool, lessons, sharing, web-based activities, lesson plans, websites
The Best Things in Life Have No Fee
Tags: special education, special needs, students, SPED, computer mouse
TESSA - Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (lovely resources here)
"TESSA brings together teachers and teacher educators from across Africa. It offers a range of materials (Open Educational Resources) in four languages to support school based teacher education and training."
Tags: tessa, oer, teacherresources, school2.0, education, science, numeracy
A Chance for Students to Shine!
Tags: special education, classroom, special needs, students, art contest
IEP iPhone App…another check off your list - Special Needs Tool
Tags: special education, special needs, students, iphone, app, iep
Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Media
Excellent McArthur foundation white paper that I think is an important read for IT integrators and leaders.
Tags: education, learning, edu_trends, edu_news, bestpractices
TimeRime.com - The timelines site
Tags: timeline, web2.0, history, tools, visualization, education, timelines, timerime
In English-Crazy China, 8D World Teaches Kids To Speak In Virtual Worlds; Lands A Deal With CCTV
MAjor innovations in Language Learning are happening in the form of some of the first and best edu-gaming sites. This site is paid for by parents and uses voice feedback to let students "level up."
Tags: education, language_teacher, edu_trends, edu_newapp, language
5 Reasons to Integrate the Internet into Your Classroom
Tags: education technology, technology in the classroom, Internet, web-based activities, interpersonal exchanges, information literacy
Students with Special Needs Get Real World Experience
Tags: special education, special needs, disabilities, students, working, internship, experience, job, teenagers, young adults
Text-to-speech Software for the Special Education Classroom
Tags: education, edtech, special education, classroom, text-to-speech, lepafrog, tag jr, SPED, texttospeech
100 Must-Read Blog Posts on the Future of Learning (RT @russeltarr)
Tags: education, tools, resources, teaching, technology, learning, Internet, technologyintegration, administrator, all_teachers, bestpractices, edu_trends, edu_news, techintegrator, professionaldevelopment
Photo-editing, logos, web templates, filters, color palettes, screen capture & more at Aviary.com. And it is free
Instructional Strategies Online - A Listing of Instructional Strategies and Methods
Tags: instructional, strategies, resources, education, learning, teaching, instruction, direct, interactive, indirect
3 Types of Web-based Instructional Activites (w/examples)
Tags: problem solving, 21st century skills, education technology, information collection and analysis, keypals, virtual field trips, simulated activities
Well one thing is obvious, I will not get all 365 days covered in photos. This is one of my excuses, it is still build season for robotics.
Here a piece is being milled for the robot, this is part of the apparatus which will hopefully lift the robot off the playing field in the last 20 seconds of the match.
I like the detail of the milling.
Also like to watch milling.
More robotics this next week during our winter break. We get Sunday off, other than that, we work.
What is the Future of Teaching?
Tags: teaching, education, future, e-learning, onlinelearning, trends, futurelearning, online learning
Web 2.0: New Tools, New Treasures
This is a fascinating tutorial about Web 2.0 tools using "jog the web" it is interesting how this is set up and is a take on a webquest, but the use of frames is really cool. Nice thing to share with beginners or anyone wanting to learn more about these tools.
Tags: education, learning, tool, web2, all_teachers, professionaldevelopment
Hide/Remove Google Buzz Updates from Your Gmail Inbox - google buzz - Lifehacker
OK, so lots of things are pretty cool about Google Buzz but I absolutely hate that my already full inbox is now full of Google Buzz stuff. I just want to keep it separate. From lifehacker, just filter out label:buzz to go somewhere else. Done!
Presentations | digitalgoonies.com
Tags: technology, education, collaboration, resources, learning, teaching, web2.0, tools
word it out tag clouds
Tags: wordle, worditout, wordcloud, language_arts, educational
this is a website that has student video presentations on hard topics
This is a great site for behavior mgt problems.
Tags: positive, behavior, intervention, &, supports, OSEP, teachers, education, tools, resources, learning
Education | The National Archives
We bring history to life through our award-winning programme of taught sessions and online resources.\n\nThe National Archives is the UK government's official archive, containing over 1,000 years of history. We give detailed guidance to government departments and the public sector on information management and advise others about the care of historical archives.\n
Tags: education, elearning, history, uk, latin, war, resource, itc, podcast
YouTube - SafetyCenterVideos's Channel
Tags: education, web2.0, tools, resources, interactive, teaching, learning, technology, youtube, Internet, safetycentervideos, onlinesafety, internetsafety, Safety, internet_safety, technologyintegration, digitalcitizenship, web2, cybersafety, middleschool
20 Free Web Apps for the 2.0 Student | Digitizd
Free apps for students, and others
Tags: students, video, computers, classroom, lessons, technology, voicethread, audio, group, education, edtech
Should technology be the driving force of educational reform?
Tags: ISTE, education, edtech, Obama, educational technology funding, EETT, CoSN, OSTP, ATTAIN Act
Why Geolocation Services Are Exciting For Poets, Musicians, Educators & Comedians
Geolocation overview from Marshall Kirkpatrick at the Read Write Web. Marshall says:
"The era of location-as-platform for software development is just beginning. No longer of interest only to uber-geeks, everyday people are now reporting their physical locations online, often through their phones. Geolocation services are hot and ever more prominent ones (like Facebook) are believed to be right around the corner.
This is a very exciting development for lovers of innovation. Today we asked some of our favorite web-heads why they are excited about geolocation and below you'll find their answers. We hope you'll share with us what you too, dear readers, think of this hot new trend online."
Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets
These are some educational java applets I wrote to help visualize various concepts in math, physics, and engineering. You should be able to view them with any Java-capable browser.
Tags: visualisation, engineering, applet, math, physic, education
work on the final prototype of the robot arm. Here doing some belt tightening. The arm has three sections that will extend out and up
Lesson plans which use technology
Tags: education, all_teachers, curriculum, elementary, middleschool, technology, bestpractices
14 Technologies Educators Should Watch in 2010 -- THE Journal
Tags: technology, educators, Education, teachers, trends, Tools, web2.0
Thoughts on Assessment 3: Writing the obit on summative assessment « Constructing Meaning
Some Cat-5 cables going into one of the network towers, these all go into patch panels from classrooms. From there into network switches and then to a fiber that runs to the main closet, which goes to another fiber and out into the world.
It's like magic.
a free and open leaning community for sharing newer and emerging tools to teach science
Tags: learningscience, resources, tools, education, interactive, middleschool, elementary, technology
15 Interesting Ways to use Wallwisher in the Classroom
Presentation covering 16 cool ways to use Wallwisher in the classroom.
Tags: Education, teaching, learning, timetoknow, pedagogy, 1:1
50 Brain Facts Every Educator Should Know | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Tags: Brain, educator, Memory, facts, Education, research, Should Know, learning, thinking, understanding
Education Week's Digital Directions: Digital Tools Expand Options for Personalized Learning
Tags: education, personalized, technology, tools, personalized learning, learning, teaching, directions, differentiatedinstruction
Western States Black Research and Educational Center
The Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum (MCLM) maintains the largest and most academically substantial, independently held collection of rare and out-of-print books, documents, films, music, photographs and memorabilia on African American history and culture in the United States. MCLM's primary goal is to make the collection available to the public as a cultural compass to a more complete view of American history.
Tags: reading, classroom, story time, books, elementary students, education, readers
Where are the savings in using GoogleApps? - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
Doug Johnson estimates the savings moving to Google apps, Great post for those considering this.
Doug says:
"These are rough and admittedly optimistic estimates, but I think you can see the general trend. Even if only 50% of my estimated nearly $2M in savings is realized, that averages out to close to $200,000 per year. (Out of a $1.2M budget.) I am not suggesting reducing tech budgets by this amount, but I can sure think of a lot more interesting things (like kids' computers, a more robust wireless network, and more bandwidth) to spend tech dollars on.
Yes, I need to pay $7 a year per administrative, possibily teacher, e-mail account for archiving and retrieval. Not bad, though, considering."
Tags: google, cloudcomputing, education, costsavings, bestpractices, edu_trends
TLC = Tech + Library + Classroom: Wallwisher
Great overview from Tara about how she uses wallwisher. I haven't played with this new, cool tool but will. She says:
"One of my favorite new tools that I shared with the group was Wallwisher. It's the whole 'get a sticky note, write your thoughts and stick it to the chart paper' activity but online. Brilliant! It's free, and I can keep the information archived each time I build a new wall. "
Computer science teachers planning this summer should look at this overview from Microsoft uber-blogger Alfred Thompson.
Tags: education, learning, computerscience_teacher, computerscience, techintegrator
The mom-mobile has had stuffed animals for longer than I have been around. There are two more than this shows.
The other day, the HS guidance counsouler gave me the Jay Ward stuffed animals. Mr Peabody, Bullwinkle J. Moose and Horse (Horse is the name of Dudly Do-Right's horse).
The cats are of course Jiff and Squeak, named after Jiff and Squeak. The other moose is just a moose. My bifocal safety glasses are in there too. Above all of this are a Tigger and a bear.
By the way, Horse is sitting inside of my Obama hat
Tags: education, comprehension, Reading, books, poems, teaching, learning, literature, literacy, songs, resources, tools, technology
Israel’s Time To Know Aims To Revolutionize The Classroom
I'm always hesitant to listen to research conducted by a company itself touting amazing results, but much of what this company is doing is what needs to happen with curriculum. Of course, any curriculum may be implemented well and often the best teachers are selected for pilots. ;-)
Eight Interactive Whiteboard Tips
Tags: Interactive Whiteboards, learning, students, children, interactive, whiteboard, lessons, education
eCampusNewsJan201011.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Tags: ecampusnewsjan201011.pdf, pdf, R2D2, instruction, teaching, methods, pedagogy, learning, education
Learning style inventory functions for teachers, instructors and other group managers
Tags: learning_styles, education, online, assessment, free, resources
SloodleAdminDocs - SLIS Second Life Wiki
Information for installing sloodle - this is what you'll use if you're running opensim on a server at your school - helps make the teaching with virtual worlds so much easier.
Online Learning | 2010 Annual Letter | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Tags: Learning2.0, gates, melinda, teaching, learning, education, curriculum, online learning
Tags: education, educators, success, change, classroom, Obama, policy, Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, nclb
AJET 19(1) Boyle (2003) - design principles for authoring dynamic, reusable learning objects
painful reading with the example of Java - but the point remains that all learning objects should be managed and designed with the purpose of being able to use them in the future in ways that are dynamic and reusable. This means de-coupling them and ensuring they are made of distinct pedagogical units.
Tags: education, programming, elearning, pedagogy, design, learning
This is a service project by Mozilla empowering people to help others with technology needs in an international wave of volunteerism. Expect more from this great activity.
Take Action - The Extraordinaries (gogrid)
Using GPS and technologically empowered volunteerism to locate and participate in activities, needs, and volunteerism in your area.
Fascinating method for helping the crisis around the world including coordinating for Haiti recovery.
iPad. In the Home. At Work. In School?
Tags: edtech, education, 21st century skills, classroom, interactive, iPad, Apple, technology, computer
Registration for World Math Day (March 3, 2010) opened today for students ages 5-18 at www.worldmathday.com. The competition is a free, online math competition where students compete against one another in a quest to answer the most math questions in 24 hours.
Last year, a new world record was set after a staggering 1,952,879 million students from 38,058 schools in 204 countries answered 452,681,681 math questions correctly during the World Math Day competition. Students are looking to break the record again this year.
This is a REALLY cool event.
Tags: reading activity, vocabulary activities, Interactive Whiteboards, 21st century skills, educational technology, story time, sharing
20 New Resources « Seomra Ranga
Lots of great primary school resources from the Seomra Ranga blog. Thank you!
First day of February, I don't think I have missed many days of photos. So let's just call this day 32. Leaving one of the buildings at work this morning, I saw this, knew it would only be there a few moments, by the time I got back in the car, the sun was poking above the clouds.