Wednesday, August 13, 2008

An Audio Project

I have decided to start an audio project regarding learning and teaching. I want to find out from as many people as possible how they learn. There are some simple questions, and will post these to a site as soon as I get that set up and have more than my introduction recorded.

After some demographic info; age, level of education, profession.
The questions I will ask are:
How do you best learn something new?
Think of the best teacher you ever had, in or out of school, what made them a good teacher? No names please
If you were to teach someone a skill, how would you go about doing it?
Under what circumstances do you find it difficult to learn?

I am looking forward to doing this, and will have some info about how to contribute to the project later on.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Will only do it if you change your picture to GO YANKS!

Anonymous said...

Ha-ha, I kind of agree with Paul!
Sounds like a good idea, I like the questions and can imagine there will be a wide range. I'd like to think I taught to many different learning styles, but know I probably didn't. Let me know when it's ready to go.